
Solar Eclipse : All You Need …

Solar eclipse : All you need ...

Solar eclipse : All you need to know about the types of eclipses

Solar eclipse A major astronomical phenomenon that causes the whole world to turn its eyes to the sky to witness this unique event, in which the Earth, Sun and Moon meet in a unified position to reveal a breathtaking scene..

The introduction


Solar eclipse An interesting astronomical phenomenon on a global scale. In some countries, it’s the reason for the revival of tourism, because everyone wants to see this wondrous cosmic event. The same goes for the phenomenon of the lunar eclipse, in which the moon appears as if it were a dark surface, so follow us to find out the details of this phenomenon and the date of its occurrence this year.

If you are a fan of astronomical phenomena and unconventional events, you can look forward to the date of the total solar eclipse with the arrival of the new month, when the moon will block out the full light of the sun in several regions of North America, in the light of a large crowd of millions of people eager to witness this event.

During this phenomenon, the Moon, Earth, and Sun will be almost at the same level in terms of straightness. During…Birth of the new moon The Moon will be in the middle of the Earth and the Sun, with the dark disk of the Moon crossing in front of the Sun.

Types of solar eclipse

There are four different types of solar eclipses, and each type has a stunning scene that appears in the sky, and is related to the position of the moon in relation to the Earth and the sun. Let us take a look at the details of these types through the following:

1- Total solar eclipse

This phenomenon occurs when the disk of the sun disappears completely as a result of the shadow of the moon reaching the surface of the earth, so that the moon, the earth and the sun are in a line, completely blocking the sunlight.


2- Annular solar eclipse

It is also called the concluding eclipse, where the sun’s disc is exposed from the centre when the moon is far from the planet Earth, and this appears in areas located along the cone of shadow, and this phenomenon lasts for approximately 12 minutes and 30 seconds, so the sun is illuminated from the edges only and darkened from the centre.


3- Partial eclipse

He appears Partial eclipse Specifically, in areas where the penumbra of the Moon falls on the surface of the Earth, the entire disc of the Sun is not visible, and the degree of darkness increases as you approach the path of totality.


4- Hybrid eclipse

It is considered a hybrid solar eclipse, a rare type that combines a total eclipse and an annular eclipse, so it can be seen from total areas and other annular areas at the same time.


Appearance of the sun in total eclipse

We have already explained that a total eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s bright rays. This is known as the path of the Moon’s shadow, and it causes the Sun to appear in a special and unusual way, which we will explain below:

  •  During the day, the sky is darker than usual, making it look like dawn. This frightens nocturnal animals out of their sleep and confuses them into thinking that night has come.
  • For places along the path of totality, the sun’s corona will be visible and people will be able to see it.
  • Seeing a bright corona around the Sun’s disc, which is a halo of bright glowing gas, and it is not recommended to look at the Sun at this time to avoid damage to the eyes.
  • You can see the coloured sphere containing part of the lunar disc, surrounded by a glowing red shadow that appears to be in the shape of a crescent. This glow is the lower part of the atmosphere surrounding the Sun.
  • If the weather in the area is cloudy, this scene may be spoilt.

What is an annular solar eclipse?

There are many terms associated with the phenomenon of a solar eclipse, including the term annular eclipse, which refers to an incomplete eclipse as the Moon passes between the planets Earth and Sun, so it is close to the Earth and does not completely cover the Sun, resulting in the appearance of a luminous halo or ring of fire and bright light in the sky.


It happened Annular solar eclipse On October 14 of last year, along the Pacific Ocean route, starting in the northwestern United States, passing through Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Brazil.

Stages of a solar eclipse

The Moon passes in front of the Sun, causing an eclipse, going through several stages that we will look at below:

  • Full sun This stage precedes the eclipse phenomenon and also occurs after the eclipse is over, when the disc of the sun appears in the sky in its natural, complete form, and the moon is not seen at this stage.
  • First contact This stage is the beginning of the actual eclipse, as the lunar disc begins to touch the right limb of the Sun, as observed from the northern hemisphere.
  • Partial solar eclipse Part of the sun is covered by the movement of the moon.
  • Second contact: The solar disc is almost completely covered.
  • Total eclipse: The entire disc of the sun is covered by the moon.
  • Third contact: This is the final stage of the total solar eclipse, when the Moon begins to move away from the Sun’s disc.
  • Return of sunlight: Starting within moments of third contact, the sun begins to appear again.
  • Fourth contact: This is the final stage of the eclipse and the edge of the Moon can be seen touching the edge of the Sun.

The different shades of a solar eclipse

There are many different types of shadow created by the movement of the Moon in front of the Sun, and we will explain their images in the following points:

  • Complete shade: It appears when the total solar eclipse is complete and the sun is completely dark, and is known as the umbra.
  • Partial shade: This shadow is far from the ground and difficult to see and is known as the ant umbra.
  • penumbra: This type of shadow is formed during a partial solar eclipse, when a small part of the moon’s disc is visible, and is known as a penumbra.

How is a solar eclipse different from a lunar eclipse?

There is a clear difference between Solar eclipse And a lunar eclipse, where an eclipse of the moon occurs as soon as planet Earth is between the sun and the moon, as the shadow of planet Earth covers the surface of the moon, and thus the moon appears in a dark or slightly reddish form. On the other hand, there is the possibility of viewing Lunar eclipse Of half of the planet Earth, which is often much larger than…Solar eclipse.


How big are the Earth, Moon and Sun?

In order to have a clear visualisation of the phenomenon of eclipses, it is necessary to know the true sizes of each of the planets involved in this picturesque natural phenomenon, since the Sun is considered to be much larger than the Moon, and their sizes are as follows:

  • The diameter of the moon is 3476 km.
  • The diameter of the Sun is approximately 1.4 million kilometers.
  • The Earth’s diameter is 12,742 kilometers.

The dangers of looking at the sun during an eclipse

The sun includes many types of rays that may harm the eyes, as there are three different types of electromagnetic rays that should be avoided, which is why we will explain them in detail through the following:


    • Infrared radiation: it is considered one of the most dangerous types of radiation that causes heating of the retina, and it produces risks called photocoagulation by burning light-sensitive tissues and cells, and its danger increases with no feeling of damage because these tissues do not contain heat and pain receptors.


    • Optical rays as a result of exposure to these rays, there may be a defect in the ability of visual cells to see light, especially when its intensity is high. This is called phototoxicity.


    • UV: It is one of the most dangerous types of rays emitted by the sun and it causes serious damage to the retina, which can lead to burns, in addition it accelerates the occurrence of phototoxicity, it exceeds light rays in energy.

Top tips for watching a solar eclipse safely

This phenomenon may cause various damages to some, especially those who suffer from eye allergies or retinal dysfunction, so experts advise that some protective measures should be followed when looking at this phenomenon, which are as follows:

  • Use eye protection before looking directly at bright sunlight.
  • It is necessary to use a solar filter for those who are accustomed to viewing the phenomenon of a solar eclipse through telescopes or camera lenses, as well as binoculars and magnification devices.
  • Choose specific types of prescription sunglasses, not regular sunglasses because they are harmful and affect the safety of the eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should we be afraid of an eclipse?

NASA1, the US space agency, pointed out that the phenomenon of solar eclipses should not be feared, but safety and prevention measures should be adhered to by wearing glasses that protect the eyes from harmful sunlight.

What are the harmful effects of a lunar eclipse on humans?

There is no harm to humans from Lunar eclipse phenomenon Because there are no harmful rays, you can enjoy looking at the sky.

What is the definition of a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when there is a planetary conjunction between the Earth, Sun and Moon. The Earth blocks the sunlight reflected by the Moon, making it appear dark.

We hope that we have clarified all the details related to the phenomenon of the solar eclipse and what the inhabitants of the United States and other regions that will witness the occurrence of this distinctive cosmic phenomenon are waiting for.

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